Friday, August 29, 2008

In Spain

Well we are here in Spain. I´m typing on a Spanish keyboard so odd things may appear in my posts and I will apologize in advance for that. We have skated on the track for two days for a total of 3 practices. We have two more today. We are six hours ahead of the east coast so it´s 10AM here and 4AM on the east.
The track is really fast and entirely different. There is a lot we still have to learn on the track and most of that will begin today when we split up into our groups and start working on what we each need to be successful in the upcoming week. Gijon is really a nice play to be and the weather is terrific. There is a beach within walking distance. And a McDonald's which is always good when we have to eat on our own. And the track is also in walking distances.
Our hotel is quite nice for a European hotel (those of you who have been to Europe know that the rooms are small).
We had some baggage troubles on the first day. I think when we got to the hotel we had like 17 bags missing then most of them came in that night. And then mine came in the next day, and I think we might have one person missing bags still which is really unfortunate. Well we have to leave for practice in a half hour so that´s it for now.

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