Saturday, August 14, 2010

Trials Are Over

Finally. I am glad that the racing is over because it's a little stressful for me, especially just the mental aspect. I raced well this year and it didn't make it any easier.

I'm ready to get home, take a few days to eat whatever I want and then get back on the health diet. Monday or Tuesday will be my first day of practice probably. I can't wait to start training. I'm going home with a chip on my shoulder, and it has nothing to do with anything that happened to me.

I skated great but I didn't win anything, not that anyone besides Joey really did but if I didn't win anything then I didn't accomplish anything and I need to get a lot better. I'm going to keep training the way that I am but at the same time I'm picking the intensity up big time. From this point on it's just a struggle mentally to keep on track and have the ability to visualize the competition going faster so that I can keep it up. I'm staying away from indoor because it will frustrate me and make me angry.

On a different note, I want to thank George Neal a ton for sending me a frame on the second day of racing because mine was bent. It helped a lot and it was great being on a stiff, straight frame that helped me use most of the power that I do have.

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