Monday, March 8, 2010

NSC Tribulation 2

Wow is about as much as I can say. If you didn't see it then you missed out, but fortunately, they should have the racing file online soon for like 4 dollars or something and trust me, it's worth it. I'll probably get it myself even though I saw it live. I don't think I have ever seen racing like that in my life, it was incredible and awesome. Sure there may have been one race like that before at a meet but in 3 hours we had 5 incredible races.

The floor was really fast like it should be, I mean it is 90ft wide and in great condition. But there was lots of passing and plenty of falls which made it more exciting. It was the most incredible display of racing I have ever seen it was awesome. Thinking about it I still wonder how exactly each race ended up as good as it did.

On a personal note I finally skated pretty decent at NSC.. My results look better then I actually skated but I still skated a lot better then I had in any of the previous events. I still have a lot of work to do and a lot to improve on which is going to be awesome if I can get it all put together. One thing that is kind of bothering me a little is my start because well, it sucked and it never sucks but I will get it fixed shortly, I'm just trying to work on one thing at a time and because it's not awful it gets put on the back burner while I work on some aspects that I am well.. awful at.

Other then NSC, the Battle in Seattle was cool, the people out there are welcoming and kind which always makes a trip much better. Hyper and Atom both had new wheels to show. Hyper's while they will still probably make some adjustments have seemed to come a long way and their wheel skated great on the big floor. Atom's new wheels were a first prototype therefore they were limited to just a few people but they seem good in theory, just need a few tweaks as well. Look for both companies to make adjustments and have wheels for Georgia and Tampa that will be fast.

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