Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The College Search

Sucks. You want to find the college that is perfect for you but it's just so difficult. There are so many options. The difficult thing about missing the first three weeks of your senior year is the college search. I got three less weeks to get my recommendations, essay(s), applications, all of that. And when you get free applications as long as you apply by a certain date it makes it worse, because then you are rushing. I think I am applying to something like six colleges. Some of which are harder then others to get into to.
I don't feel as if I was successfully prepared for the whole college search thing. Like I've had good grades and a good SAT score but they don't really tell you what the application process will be like. It's a completely different ball-park.
I see all of these skaters that come out of high school and decide they are going to just get a normal job and become the best skater. And it never happens. Personally you need to plan for life after skating. I love skating, but very few, few people make a living in our sport and I have come to that realization. And I have come to the realization that as much as I want our sport to make it to the Olympics it looks like nothing more then a hope. Therefore, I am going to college, I have no idea where. I am applying to 5 different Pennsylvania schools across the state from 15 minutes from my dad's house to 5-6 hours across the state. Then I am applying to Utah University. I am not so sure about my plans with that, but I'm at least applying in case anything happens.
Just because I am going to college doesn't mean that my skating career is over. What it does mean is that you most likely won't see me at many invitationals once I get into college. But I can practice almost everyday while in college. Nothing changes, there will still be empty parking lots and I will still have skates. I will still be the same skater I am now while I am in college, I can guarantee that. Now the Utah thing, who knows at this point, I don't.
I have all intentions in majoring in Journalism or Broadcast Journalism. Focusing on politics and sports writing. I love sports, I watch sports, I know a lot about a lot of sports. And I like writing about politics, I like finding the information and working on it. I will be in my third year of Journalism at my high school this spring semester. The things about Journalism is that it's a really unsure career. There is the small-town, once a week papers where you get paid next to dirt, then there is the local papers where you write every day but not top end stuff and not a great salary. Then you have you're big city papers. The articles are better, the pay is better. Then you have the top of the line Journalism. The big time. It's difficult. But I plan on putting as much effort into the career I choose as I do into skating.
The thing is, anything I write that isn't in a newspaper isn't quite as good as it would be in a newspaper. Journalism writing is so much easier and common for me. You write what everyone wants to know, the facts. Who/what/where/when/why/how. That's what I write best...
So my college search continues...

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