Monday, January 26, 2009

If it's anything, it has to hit home

The college search for me at least, is nearing it's end. After months of being mostly 50-50 on where I was going to go I am turning more to about 70-30 that I am staying close to home. But that is not the end of it.
My decision, is much different then most. Once I realized it, my decision was pretty much easier then I could have imagined. My decision comes from my personality plain and simple. I'm not talking about where I'd fit in the best in terms of college life because I could careless. College is the step of my life that comes after high school and is intended for me to gain a higher education and to gain knowledge of my chosen career. The root of my decision comes from the fact that in a way I hate money. No I do not hate to have money, but I hate not making my own in order to survive. I hate to ask for money and I hate to talk about money, plain and simple. So my options were always pretty much Utah or a small state college close to home. Utah if I went it would be mostly to skate, so I could probably only do one semester as a full student per year and the other semester I would have to do as a part-time student. If that is the case it would take me about 6-7 years to graduate a four-year college. It's not bad if I was the traditional skater who expects and has their parents pay for their life until they are 25 but that is not me. The amount of skaters that skip college is ridiculous. What are you going to achieve in life without college and without a job set up already? If you couldn't make the world team before you left high school, chances are you wont make it once you are out of high school. Now, that does not mean if you don't make it as a Junior you will not make it, although it is harder it is definitely possible to do and have success. Jonathon Garcia I don't believe ever made the Jr. World Team but made senior team about 3 years in a row and skated great. But if you believe high school is holding you back from making the world team you will not make it ever probably plain and simple. I really have to say this, as dream-crushing and mean as this may sound.. skater's need to grow up. Plain and simple. I go to meets and everyone lives in a fantasy world. Like the world can't harm them kind of thing. Making the world team is great accomplishment don't get me wrong, medaling at worlds is an even bigger accomplishment but you cannot survive off of it in life. Yes the big L word. It is fun but you do not make a living off of being a great skater. Plain and simple. Sorry but the truth is there.
Anyway, my decision to stay home is for a few reasons. One, is that I can take my four years and go through college and get into the real world. Once I am making a living then who knows maybe a move out to Utah and give the ice a shot, maybe I just move somewhere else and give it a shot. The only thing I can say. Is that I love skating, I train for it and I will train as hard as I can whenever I can. I can tell you that if I make the world team this year there is no doubt in my mind I would put college off a semester in order to go to worlds my first year of senior world class, and in China.
I have found, any major decision you must make can be simplified. Look at yourself, look at what you hate, what you like. Find out what really hits home with you and that is your answer.

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